Junior High is a critical time for students, and it can be both thrilling and frustrating. Students go through experiences which help to shape their views and attitudes. In a classroom setting, it may be challenging for teachers to connect with the students and dialogue about aspects of life beyond the academic.

That’s why Mister Brown made these videos!

Mister Brown wants to help teachers connect with their students and cultivate a positive school culture.

These videos are intended to encourage students to make good choices, to develop responsible character and to persevere despite difficulty. Using real-life illustrations and his signature sense of humor, Mister Brown discusses topics such as:

  • How to be thankful for the good things in life
  • How to persevere when situations are frustrating
  • How to find ways to make a positive difference in the world
  • How to custom design life with the power of good choices
  • How to be aware of the influences speaking into their lives
  • How to appreciate each season of life while preparing for the next

Choices are the puzzle pieces of life, so students should choose well, and these videos will help equip them with the tools they need to make those choices!

Hi, I’m Mister Brown!

Yes! My real name is Mister Brown.

I am on a mission to help educators and parents empower students to make better choices to live better lives. The Choose Well Program Video Library was created to do just that.

Around here we believe that choices are the puzzle pieces of life, so it's important to choose well. Oh yeah!