High school is an important time of transition from childhood to young adulthood, and it’s crucial that students develop the character that they need to have a healthy and responsible adult life. However, it may be difficult for teachers to find time to truly connect with their students and instill in them these positive values.

That’s why Mister Brown made these videos!

Mister Brown wants to help teachers make connections with their students and help prepare them for the next season of life while promoting a positive school culture. These videos aim to help students develop their critical thinking skills while encouraging them to make good choices no matter their situation. Using real-life illustrations and his signature sense of humor, Mister Brown discusses topics such as:

  • How to focus on their blessings instead of what they don’t have
  • How to persevere despite challenges
  • How to make an impact on a local and global level
  • How to shape life with strategic decisions
  • How to filter out the negative influences from the positive
  • How to make the most of the current season of life rather than focusing on the next

Choices are the puzzle pieces of life, so students should choose well, and these videos will help equip them with the tools they need to make those choices!

Hi, I’m Mister Brown!

Yes! My real name is Mister Brown.

I am on a mission to help educators and parents empower students to make better choices to live better lives. The Choose Well Program Video Library was created to do just that.

Around here we believe that choices are the puzzle pieces of life, so it's important to choose well. Oh yeah!