About the Core 4

UPDATE: In this video series, I mention activity sheets and my friends Robbie, Raven, Sondra, and Cato showing up at schools. However, I want to clarify that this is an older video series and I no longer include Robbie, Raven, Sondra, or Cato in my videos or school visits. Additionally, the activity sheets mentioned in the series are no longer available. Despite this, there are still questions that can be utilized for class discussions or writing prompts.

While I have covered the core concepts of responsibility, respect, safety, and caring in this video series, there is much more to explore.

For an updated and more in-depth dive into these values, please check out the four "I Choose" series on the courses page. These series provide a comprehensive understanding of each value. I also changed the value of caring to kindness.

Practicing Responsibility, Respect, Safety, and Kindness is important for students to understand because it enriches their lives and contributes to creating a positive school culture. I want to encourage students to strive to make these values an integral part of their daily lives and in so doing, make a positive difference in the world!

The Core 4 

There are so many rules! Isn’t there an easier way to remember what I should and shouldn’t do? There are many qualities that help students interact with others, but many can be boiled down into the Core 4: Responsibility, Respect, Safety and Caring. 

With the help of his friends Robbie, Raven, Sondra and Cato, Mister Brown uses stories and examples to show elementary school students how to live in a way that incorporates the Core 4. 

Topics include:

·    What is responsibility?

·    How can I be responsible in my classroom?

·    What is respect?

·    How can I respect the people, rules and things around me?

·    What is safety?

·    How do rules help keep me safe?

·    What is caring?

·    How can I choose to care about those around me?

Through these videos, Mister Brown and his friends will help students to be mindful of the Core 4!

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