Ownage! Are You Taking Ownership of Your Life?

One time while working in an afterschool program, a group of kids and I were playing cards. There was a girl playing who was very vocal and she would shout, “Ownage!” every time she was doing well. I liked her spirit and spunk. She was taking ownership of the game.

Are you willing to have ownage over your actions and over your life? Will you take responsibility for the choices that you make or are you playing the blame game? We can blame other people or other things for what’s going wrong in our lives, but we have to take ownership to really move forward.

Have a discussion together as a class or use the video as a writing prompt to get the students thinking about and talking about ownership, what it is, how they can attain it, and how they feel about it. Do the students like the word "ownage"?

"When you make better choices you will live a better life, so choose well. Oh yeah!" -Mister Brown

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