Be Like a Duck - Self-Management

Responsibility is taking ownership of your words and your actions.

I have some unusual advice about being responsible. You should learn how to be like a duck. No, I don't mean walk around and quack like a duck. What I mean is when someone says something mean to you, let it roll off your back like water rolls off a duck. Don't allow other people's words to hurt you. Choose to respond to other people's negative words by ignoring them and not believing the bad things they say. That is taking responsibility for your own words and actions. Be like a duck.

The suggested questions in the course can be talked about together as a class or they can be used as prompts for writing assignments.

What do the kids think about being like a duck? Did the analogy make sense to them? Does anyone have more questions about what that means?

Ask the kids about how they can be like a duck when people say mean things to them.

Practice saying "I choose responsibility" and doing the hand motions.

"When you make better choices you will live a better life, so choose well. Oh yeah!" -Mister Brown

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